Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Sporting News Introduces Some Of Your 1886 Kansas City Cowboys

From the May 10, 1886 The Sporting News:

Jim Whitney
Jim a regular dude, drinks lemonade pale and chews gum.

Mertie Hackett...makes friends wherever he goes. Mertie is a rather giddy young man, parts his hair in the middle, wears patent leathers, and dotes on the ladies.

Fatty Briody
Charlie ("Fatty") Briody, the dashing catcher...was always a catcher, in fact, he was born that way. In early days he was a catcher on the Erie Canal, that is, he used to stand on the bank and catch the captain's profanity and then hurl it back at him. Charlie is a good one and loves baseball nearly as well as he loves a good dinner.

Al Myers...eats three meals a day and chews nine toothpicks, and will drink milk when some one else pays for it.

Jim a pretty boy and plays ball well if his girl is in the grand stand.

Charley Bassett
Charley Bassett, the shortstop...covers a great deal of ground--he has very large feet--and is a good player. He likes pie and will change his boarding house unless he gets it three times a day.

Jimmie very handsome but married and he keeps regular hours, so that the manager cannot fine him for breaking the rules.

Paul very superstitious, but still he used to love a cross-eyed girl.

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